
An oasis for DIYers and professional handy-folks alike, The Home Depot carries just about anything one might need for home improvement needs and construction needs. Headquartered in Atlanta, The Home Depot is an organization that values relationship building, both with its customers and its employees. The company's CSR efforts are largely focused on veterans' affairs, including housing and home improvements for vets.
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About the Company
Home Depot is built on self-reliance. Founders Bernie Marcus and Arthur Bank left their old posts at an aging home improvement shop and started realizing the vision of a home improvement store that not only provided parts and tools, but knowledge and expertise, a helping hand that could not only sell a product, but teach a skill. In 1979, Marcus and Bank went to investment bankers Ken Langone and Pat Farrah for help with opening up the first two storefronts for what would become Home Depot. The first two stores opened in Atlanta, Georgia. Each was a 60,000-square-foot warehouse- far more expansive than any competing home improvement stores. Employees were not only trained in excellent customer service, but in home improvement and DIY skills like how to handle power tools, lay tile, properly paint a wall, or install a new sink.